Santronics Software, Inc.,
Web Authentication Tips


This section offers some web page customization tips primarily when using cookie based login forms:

Adding a Login Box in your Public Home Page

If you want to add a login box into your home page, you can simply add the following line some where in your public home page /public/default.wct:

   @include "wc:\http\public\login.wct"@

If you don't have a default.wct, simply rename your current default.htm to default.wct.


Login.wct uses wcLogin.js which has a PrintLoginForm() function which is use to display the default login form. It uses a global JSON variable called wcLoginOptions to set various display properties and form behavior.

You can begin to customize the form by creating a http\public\PrintLoginForm.wct file which will be imported by login.wct if found.

See the examples PrintLoginForms available

Working in FRAME mode

Designing your web pages in frame mode can be tricky, especially when using the login form.  Depending on your frame design needs, you may want the successful login to display the private /default.wct web page in a new target page or target="_top", but not in the current frame.

In order to target the _top page after the login, you need to modify the form "name=login" in the wclogin.js file and add the target="_top" form attribute like so:

<form name="login" action="/login"  target="_top" >
<input type="hidden" name="js" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="">

Save Password?

The IE and FireFox browsers were tested to support their "Save Password?" feature which allows users to automatically fill in the login form with their browser stored username and password.  This is not a COOKIE BASED storage which is typically associated with a "Remember Password?" checkbox on a login form.  This is the browser itself remembering the username and password for the web site login form.

The default login form generated with wclogin.js was enhanced to enable the IE and FireFox browser's Save Password feature.

If you want to prevent users from using their Browser's Save Password option, create a file called "http\template\custom\" and  set the variable:

    @set Login.BrowserSavePassword=0@

Set this variable to zero or false a the login.wct template will disables the browser's form entry input requirements that triggers the browser's Save Password logic.