Version 6.2 Build 452.3


Version 6.2 Build 452.3 is minor update . It includes some fixes and a few new features.  If you are up-to-date with Wildcat! versions, this is essentially a plug and play update.


Changes, Fixes, New Features and Enhancements by Wildcat! Component  

WCSERVER (Wildcat! Server)

-NEW: New WCMSGDB.DLL file was added to the framework. 

WCMSGDB.DLL provides common mail database API functionality between all the mail related processes that require the common single source logic. The initial version will single source the Message Hash Engine so that it can be shared with all related processes adding mail to the
database via the SDK AddMessage() function. 

With this addition, the following two processes have been updated to utilize the dll:


The Message Hash Engine is used by Wildcat! to detect duplicate message entries. The engine was enhanced to take into account  three additional fields in the TMsgHeader structure:


-FIX: Fixed a bug in the Files Quick Search System. 

For large file systems, updating the quick search index file was problematic. A fix was made that resolves the problem for large file system and also make thes the deleting and updating of files much faster.

WCCONFIG (Wildcat! Configuration)

- NEW: New Allow Personal Deletion Option

Wildcat! now supports a new mail option in the mail areas:

    [X] Allow Personal Mail Deletion

If this option is disabled for the conference, then users will not be allowed to delete their PERSONAL mail. Personal Mail is defined as mail written by the user and/or direct mail addressed to the user.   Support for this option was added to WCNAVIGATOR as well.

NOTE: This option was requested and provided to a large customer using Wildcat! internally only for their in-house mail and chat system. We felt it would be useful for all general customers who may desire such strong mail auditing features.

WCTELNET (Wildcat! Telnet Server)

- FIX: Fixed a GPF when closing a TELNET SSL session.

- ENH: WcOnline will now show "Connected (Telnet SSL) for secured telnet connections.

WCWEB (Wildcat! WEB Server)

- NEW: New secured file extensions

WCWEB will now not allow direct HTTP URL access to resources which have the extensions: 


These files can only be accessed internally with server-side scripts.

- CHG: Corrected Personal Client Access HTML code

Several of the templates were updated so that it supports the personal properties access menu buttons. For example, the Personal Client "Options" button is now shown or not shown in the HTML page depending on the user's access.

Templates updated:


Note: This isn't a security fix because the user was not going to get access to the personal properties if it was turned off. This change simply avoids showing the "options" button if there is no user access to the "personal properties" (Your Settings) client in the first place.

- FIX: Fixed a multipart boundary parsing bug with email created with Lotus Notes.

- FIX: Forwarding mail template was wrapping the header section.

Fixed the template,  template\message_create.htm,  so that the forwarding header in the new message no longer wraps the From and To lines. 

- FIX: Fixed bug when downloading files with passwords.

- NEW: New Mail Preview WEB 2.0 AJAX system

Wildcat! now offers new "Web 2.0" features that adds new dynamic WEB display enhancements to the system.  To begin with, it is now possible to perform previewing of mail by putting your cursor over the link. This will popup a window showing a snippet of the messages. This is done using technology called "AJAX" which allows you to perform server requests without refreshing the entire page.  Users have the option to disable mail previewing under their personal properties.

NOTE: If you had already installed the original beta HTML-RECENTMAIL.WCX, 
         you should delete it from your \WC5 or \WC6 folder.  This WCX is now
         part  of the main stock package.

- ENH: Personal Properties - General

Changing User settings via Text Mode and WEB are now more consistent.

- NEW: Personal Properties - Message

New options were added for mail previewing.

WCMAIL (Wildcat! Mail Processor)

- FIX: Fixed a multipart boundary parsing bug with email created with Lotus Notes.

WCLISTSERVE (Wildcat! List Server)

- FIX: Fixed uuencoded base64 SFN attachment export issue.

This only occured when posting an list message directly into a wcListServer storage conference. The wildcat! style attachment was converted to uuecode attachment with the short file name. Recompiling wcListServe.exe fixed the problem.

WCNAV (Wildcat! Navigator)

- CHG: WCSTUB (WILDCAT.EXE) is now a 32 bit application.

This solves the 16 bit applet "no icon" issue under Microsoft Vista and Windows 2008 (beta)

- CHG: All the clients now have separate ICONS.

- CHG: CONNMGR.EXE was updated.

CONNMGR.EXE was updated to show the separate ICON file if it fails to load it from the client exe.

- CHG: UPGRADE.EXE was updated.

UPGRADE.EXE was updated for SYSTEM.WUP to provide a an upgrade path to distribute the separate icons and move them into the proper client folder.

WCBASIC (Wildcat! BASIC Software Dvelopment Kit)

- See wcBASIC/WCSDK Update Information.

WCSDK (Wildcat! Software Development Kit)

- See wcBASIC/WCSDK Update Information.

WCT (Wildcat Template Processor)

- ENH: Added {} expansion to @TEXT macros.


In this example, the macro {QUERY.ID} will be expanded to the current template value for QUERY.ID:

@text sql.stm@
select column_name as 'field',
    column_type as 'type',
  from information_schema.columns
    table_schema=database() and
    table_name ='{QUERY.ID}'

- See Wildcat Template System.