Santronics Software, Inc.,
Version 8.0 Build 454.12


This plug and play update now includes the new 64-bit version of Wildcat! It is only provided if you select to update to 64-bit and you have 64-bit Windows.


Changes, New Features and Enhancements by Wildcat! Component  

WCGEOIP (Wildcat! GeoLocation IP)

- UPD: GeoLocation IP Database was updated August 15, 2022 version.

WCSSL (Wildcat! Secured Socket Layer)

- DOC: Instructions for extracting .crt and .key files from the .pfx file.

VCRTL (Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable RTL)

- UPD: New Microsoft C/C++ 2019 x86/x64 Runtime Library redistribution.
       Version 14.29.30139

       Note: Microsoft has a new 2022 RTL and it may be installed already.
       Future updates may include this new 2022 RTL but it is not required
       by Wildcat!

AUP (AutoUpdate Program)

- NEW: Autoupdate has a new switch /alpha.

       /alpha is used to connect to the Alpha AUP server for pre-release
       updates.  The Alpha AUP server is available to AUP subscribers.
       Contact Sales if you wish to be included in the Alpha list.

       Note: The Alpha AUP server is not always ready. SSI will make
       announcements when the Alpha AUP Server is available with another
       pre-release update.

WC64 (Wildcat! 64bit System)

- NEW: Wildcat! 64-bit support was added for running under Windows
       64-bit Operating Systems.  Only the Wildcat! server side is
       currently 64-bit.

       This means all 32/64 bit wcSDK apps and 32-bit wcBASIC WCX apps
       are 100% compatible with with both 32/64-bit Wildcat! Servers.

       A new tool called FileOsVer.exe is available to allow you to
       see if a file is 32 bit or 64 bit.  For example:

           c:\wcat> fileosver *.exe *.dll | sort

       will display a sorted list of files indicated 32 or 64 bit.

WCTOOLS (Wildcat! Utitities)

- NEW: New useful CLI tools were provided.


- NEW: FileOSver - Displays the file(s) 32/64 sub-system OS information.

       Type fileosver for help

       Useful to see the files image information such as 32, 64-bit,
       sub-system GUI versus console, version, etc.


       FileOSVer wcserver.exe

       32bit 05.01 XP 8.0.454.12 WINDOWS_GUI 2021-05-09 15:13:31 wcserver.exe

       This says wcserver.exe is 32 bit. It is using WIN NT 5.01 which
       means the VS2019 RTL is being used. The version 8.0.454.12, its a Windows
       GUI program and its timestamp.  For the 64-bit version, it will show:

       64bit 05.02 XP 8.0.454.12 WINDOWS_GUI 2021-05-09 18:05:13 wcserver.exe

- NEW: Verinfo - Displays the file(s) version information.

       Type verinfo for help

       Now that FileOsVer is available to get a version number, VerInfo is
       less necessary but has extended version information and it produces
       nice version information tables.

- NEW: Netcopy - DOS and Wildcat! copying tool with a progress bar.

       Type netcopy for help. It has the basic syntax of:

       Netcopy file(s) [folder] [options]

       Netcopy has XCOPY-like features. Used to update files, measure
       transfer speeds, change buffer sizes, it can be also used to list
       and copy files from WUNC folders.  Try this:

       netcopy wc:\file\area(1)\* /L

       Note: You have to provide a path to the source files, so if you
       wish to copy a local file to another folder like so:

       netcopy  folder

       It won't find since no path was provided. It will be
       fixed one day, but use self directory path ".\" like so:

       netcopy .\ folder

       and it will work.

       Please use the /L switch to test any copies first.  For example,
       the command:

       netcopy .\ folder /L

       will show you the files it will copy into the folder but it will
       skip the copy process.  Use /L for testing because if the folder
       does not exist, it will be created.  So confirm if you want a new
       folder or an existing folder. When copying a tree of files
       recursively using the /S switch, then use /L first to confirm the
       copy.  Example:

       netcopy c:\folder1\*  d:\folder2 /s /u /n /l

       This is a mirroring option.  c:\folder1 will be
       mirrored to d:\folder2 updating existing files
       and adding new files. Subfolders will be created
       if necessary.  Test it first with /l.

- NEW: Ldepends - display the EXE file DLL dependencies.

       Type ldepends for help.

       Ldepends (and ldepends64) will take a EXE file and List the EXE
       file OS loading dependency.  It will tell you if a DLL file is
       missing. Note with newer versions of Windows, it will tell you
       there is an error but it may not always indicate the actual file
       name of the missing DLL file when the DLL itself is dependent on
       other DLL files.

       If the EXE is 64-bit, use the LDepends64 version instead.

WCNETRUNNER (Wildcat! Net Runner)

- UPD: Wildcat! Net Runner now allows for a global user name for the
       same machine.  Depending on how the RSH client is called on the
       remote machine, if its a Desktop call, it will be using the
       user's desktop login name. If the RSH client was started as a
       service, the Windows service SYSTEM name will be used.   This
       allows to use a global wildcard "*" for the machine client user

WCWEB (Wildcat! Web Server)

- FIX: Fixed case sensitive password change in wcWeb Personal Settings
       when changing only the case of the password.

- FIX: Fixed the listing of a file area when the area is the last one in
       your list of file areas.

       By default, the user's profile setting "htmlfilelistsort" is
       "name" which is sort by Area and then file name.  The option to
       sort by newest file first ("datedes") as set in the user's
       personal profile caused a zero files listing when the target file
       area number is the last file area.   So if Area ### is the last
       area, listing this area by "datedes" produced 0 files to list.
       This is now fixed in the WCX library module "html-list file.wcc"

       You can test the behavior where ### is the file area to display.
       The test is when ### is the last file area in your wcconfig |
       File Areas setup.

       The URL to list files is:

       /code/html-list files.wcx?area=###

       By default it will use the user's personal properties file
       listing sort setting.  To override the sort, use the sort=

       /code/html-list files.wcx?area=###&sort=dateasc
       /code/html-list files.wcx?area=###&sort=datedes
       /code/html-list files.wcx?area=###&sort=namedes

WCBASIC (Wildcat! BASIC Software Development Kit)

- FIX: fixed "html-personal.wcc" to allow case sensitive password change.

- FIX: fixed "Sysop user editor.wcc" to allowing user name case, i.e
       HECTOR SANTOS to Hector Santos.

- FIX: fixed "html-list files.wc"" sort by descending date bug for the
       last area. See wcWEB note about this and also see wcRefresh
       update notes.

WCSAP (Wildcat! Sender Authentication Protocol)

- FIX: Fixed SPF neutral results by returing a SMTP reply code. It was
       returning 0 thus causing small clients to continue to sending.
       The new field rescode_spf_neutral was added with a default value
       of 250 (pass).

- NEW: new field added to wcsap\wcsap.ini

       rescode_spf_neutral  250         ; accepted by SPF Lookup

WCQWK (Wildcat! QWK)

- FIX: Changed the date format from HH:mm to hh:mm

WCSMTP (Wildcat! SMTP Server)

- NEW: New registry option wcSMTP

       wcRegEdit /local /value:wcSMTP\ClientDomain /string:clientdomain.hostname

       where clientdomain.hostname is the public domain of the public IP address.

       This allows an override for the default rDNS (reverse DNS) result
       used for the EHLO command.  This may be necessary for a growing
       amount of SMTP receivers who will reject mail if the EHLO does
       not match the public IP or when the private IP domain is used instead
       of the public domain.

       Previously to resolve you, you needed to create a Remote Host record for
       SMTP receivers who exhibit this problem.

       Now you can set it as the default client domain name used for

WCDNS (Wildcat! DNS Resolver)

- FIX: Fixed DNS cache for saving the minimum TTL for RR query with
       multiple results.

WCREFRESH (Wildcat! File Database Refresh Tool)

wcRefresh Documentation

- UPD: Updated behavior when adding file records to areas

       By default, wcrefresh always added all files except
       sub-directories, including files marked as hidden and/or system.

       Now hidden or system files are skipped.  To revert to old
       behavior, see the new switch options /AddHidden, /AddSystem

- NEW: Added new switches /AddHidden and /AddSystem

       When adding new files to a file area, hidden and system files are
       now skipped by default in this update.  You can enable adding
       hidden and/or system files using the new options:

       /AddHidden   Do not skip adding hidden files
       /AddSystem   Do not skip adding system files


       Generally, system files are hidden but not always.

       You can also uses the a skip list to excludes files.

- UPD: The default skiplist now contains:


       You can define your own skip list by defining the following
       file with similar Wildcat! search file specs per line:


WCFTP (Wildcat! FTP Server)

- NEW: New registry option to set the Public Passive IP address.

       wcregedit /local /value:wcFTP\PassiveIP /string:IP-ADDRESS

       where IP-ADDRESS is the public IP address of your wcFTP server.

       This is necessary where your machine is a private IP address
       behind a NAT with the public IP address.