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Wildcat! Interactive Net Server SDK Files

Full Setup WCSDK Releases

The WCSDK setup images provides the installation of the complete API headers for C/C++, VB.NET, C#, PHP, Java, Delphi Pascal and VB6. The WCSDK includes examples and class libaries for many of the languages supported.

NEW! WCSDK is now also available via GitHub where you can directly download/pull the source files, and also (with proper permission), allowed to add to the wcSDK yourself:

Wildcat! API Interface files for Microsoft .NET

The current WCSDK includes the .NET interface files plus examples. You can get just the headers here.



Zip of .Net Files

C/C++ Headers

Zip of C/C++ Headers plus *.LIB files

Wildcat! List Server (WCLS) API Library

The WCLS API includes WCBASIC headers and library modules to access the WCLSDATA\ subfolder containing the WCLS mailing list setups.