Option Strict On Option Explicit On Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Module wcMakeWildAPI #Region "Credits ..." '------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Visual Basic Wildcat! SDK API v6.1.451.9 '(c) copyright 1998-2006 by Santronics Software Inc.. All Rights Reserved. ' 'Automatically generated from wctypemw.h by CPP2BAS ' 'Converted to .NET 2.0 Framework by Mark Bappe (10/18/2006) '------------------------------------------------------------------------ #End Region #Region "Public WINServer MakeWild API Constants ..." Public Const MAX_PATH As Integer = 260 Public Const srvFingerServer As Integer = &H1 Public Const srvWcxMwLogin As Integer = &H2 Public Const srvWcxIpCheck As Integer = &H4 Public Const srvOnlyLocalRPC As Integer = &H8 #End Region #Region "Public WINServer MakeWild API Structures ..." '//! Group: Configuration Structures '//!--------------------------------------------------------- '//! TConferencePaths provides the various directory setups '//! per mail confeference '//!--------------------------------------------------------- Public Structure TConferencePaths Public Display As String Public Bulletin As String Public Help As String Public Menu As String Public Questionnaire As String Public MsgDatabase As String Public Attach As String End Structure '//!--------------------------------------------------------- '//! TWildcatServerPrivateConfig is the configuration "MakeWild" '//! structure. The public field is exposed to normal '//! SDK clients. '//!--------------------------------------------------------- Public Structure TWildcatServerPrivateConfig Public mwPublic As TMakewild Public FileDatabasePath As String Public UserDatabasePath As String Public DefaultConferencePaths As TConferencePaths Public SystemPassword As String Public MakewildPassword As String Public LanguagePath As String Public BatchFilePath As String Public dwServerOptions As Integer End Structure '//!--------------------------------------------------------- '//! TWildcatServerPrivateConfDesc defines a mail conference '//! setup. '//!--------------------------------------------------------- Public Structure TWildcatServerPrivateConfDesc Public tcdPublic As TConfDesc Public Paths As TConferencePaths End Structure '//!--------------------------------------------------------- '//! TWildcatServerPrivateConfDesc defines a mail conference '//! setup. '//!--------------------------------------------------------- Public Structure TWildcatServerPrivateFileArea Public tfaPublic As TFileArea Public Path As String Public Reserved() As Byte End Structure '//!--------------------------------------------------------- '//! TWildcatServerPrivateFileVolumec provides CD volume '//! setup information. '//!--------------------------------------------------------- Public Structure TWildcatServerPrivateFileVolume Public Name As String Public VolumeLabel As String Public UniqueFile As String Public Path As String Public Offline As Integer Public Reserved() As Byte End Structure #End Region #Region "Public WINServer MakeWild API DLL Imports ..." '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Makewild Configuration '//! MwLogin '//! Login as the configuration client '//! password - configuration password, used "" if none. if a '//! password is required, you should prompt for the '//! password. '//! returns TRUE if successful, otherwise see extended error '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwLogin(ByVal password As String) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Makewild Configuration '//! MwGetMakewild '//! return the configuration structure TWildcatServerPrivateConfig '//! mw - TWildcatServerPrivateConfig '//! returns TRUE if successful, otherwise see extended error '//! see also MwUpdateMakeWild '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwGetMakewild(ByVal mw As TWildcatServerPrivateConfig) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Makewild Configuration '//! MwUpdateMakewild '//! Save the configuration structure TWildcatServerPrivateConfig '//! mw - TWildcatServerPrivateConfig '//! returns TRUE if successful, otherwise see extended error '//! see also MwGetMakeWild '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwUpdateMakewild(ByVal mw As TWildcatServerPrivateConfig) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Security Profile functions '//! '//! MwGetSecurityProfileCount get number of security profiles '//! MwGetSecurityProfileNames get a string list of security names '//! MwGetSecurityProfiles get an array of TSecurityProfiles '//! MwAddSecurityProfile add a security profile '//! MwUpdateSecurityProfile update a security profile '//! MwRemoveSecurityProfile remote a security profile '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwGetSecurityProfileCount() As Integer End Function Public Function MwGetSecurityProfileNames(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer) As Object End Function Public Function MwGetSecurityProfiles(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal profile As TSecurityProfile) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwAddSecurityProfile(ByVal profile As TSecurityProfile, ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwUpdateSecurityProfile(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal profile As TSecurityProfile) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwRemoveSecurityProfile(ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Security Access Profile functions '//! The "Group" functions apply to the access profiles, NOT the '//! security profiles. '//! '//! MwCreateGroup create a new group '//! MwRemoveGroup remove a group '//! MwCloneGroup clone a group and all its flags '//! MwGetGroupCount get the number of groups '//! MwGetGroupNames get the current group names (and '//! indexes implicitly by position in '//! array) '//! MwGetObjectFlags get the object's flags in group '//! MwGetMultipleObjectFlags get multiple object flags in group '//! MwSetObjectFlags sets the object's flags in a group (will '//! add the object to the group file if '//! it needs to, or remove it if flags == 0) '//! MwSetMultipleObjectFlags set multiple object flags in group '//! MwGetObjectFlagsInGroups get the flags for an object in each '//! group, indexes are relative to the '//! group names returned by MwGetGroupNames() '//! MwSetObjectFlagsInGroups set the flags for an object in each group '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwCreateGroup(ByVal groupname As String, ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwRemoveGroup(ByVal groupname As String) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwCloneGroup(ByVal sourcegroupindex As Integer, ByVal newgroupname As String, ByVal newgroupindex As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwGetGroupCount() As Integer End Function Public Function MwGetGroupNames() As Object End Function Public Function MwGetObjectFlags(ByVal groupindex As Integer, ByVal objectid As Integer) As Integer End Function Public Function MwGetMultipleObjectFlags(ByVal groupindex As Integer, ByVal objectid As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal flags As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwSetObjectFlags(ByVal groupindex As Integer, ByVal objectid As Integer, ByVal flags As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwSetMultipleObjectFlags(ByVal groupindex As Integer, ByVal objectid As Integer, ByVal flags As Integer, ByVal count As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwGetObjectFlagsInGroups(ByVal objectid As Integer, ByVal flags As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwSetObjectFlagsInGroups(ByVal objectid As Integer, ByVal flags As Integer) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Computers/Load Balancing '//! The "Computer" functions apply to the "Computers" setup in '//! wcconfig.exe. This help load balance the system by distributing '//! the wconline setup of the internet servers across various '//! machines. The default is a blank computer name - index 0. '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwGetComputerConfigCount() As Integer End Function Public Function MwGetComputerConfigNames(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer) As Object End Function Public Function MwGetComputerConfigs(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal cconfig As TComputerConfig) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwAddComputerConfig(ByVal ccoonfig As TComputerConfig, ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwUpdateComputerConfig(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal cconfig As TComputerConfig) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwRemoveComputerConfig(ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Mail Conference Setup '//! Mail conference setup functions '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwGetShortConfDescs(ByVal conference As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal cd As TShortConfDesc) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwGetConfDescs(ByVal conference As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal cd As TWildcatServerPrivateConfDesc) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwSetConferenceCount(ByVal count As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwUpdateConfDesc(ByVal conference As Integer, ByVal cd As TWildcatServerPrivateConfDesc) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwGetConferenceGroups(ByVal group As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal fg As TConferenceGroup) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwSetConferenceGroupCount(ByVal count As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwUpdateConferenceGroup(ByVal group As Integer, ByVal cg As TConferenceGroup) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwGetConferenceGroupBits(ByVal group As Integer, ByVal bytes As Integer, ByVal bits As Byte) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwSetConferenceGroupBits(ByVal group As Integer, ByVal bytes As Integer, ByVal bits As Byte) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: File Area Setup '//! File Area setup functions '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwGetShortFileAreas(ByVal area As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal fa As TShortFileArea) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwGetFileAreas(ByVal area As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal fa As TWildcatServerPrivateFileArea) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwSetFileAreaCount(ByVal count As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwUpdateFileArea(ByVal area As Integer, ByVal fa As TWildcatServerPrivateFileArea) As Boolean End Function '//! '//! Group: File Area Group Setup '//! Public Function MwGetFileGroups(ByVal group As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal fg As TFileGroup) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwSetFileGroupCount(ByVal count As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwUpdateFileGroup(ByVal group As Integer, ByVal fg As TFileGroup) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwGetFileGroupBits(ByVal group As Integer, ByVal bytes As Integer, ByVal bits As Byte) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwSetFileGroupBits(ByVal group As Integer, ByVal bytes As Integer, ByVal bits As Byte) As Boolean End Function '//! '//! Group: CD Volume Setup '//! Public Function MwGetFileVolumeCount() As Integer End Function Public Function MwGetFileVolumeNames(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer) As Object End Function Public Function MwGetFileVolumes(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal fv As TWildcatServerPrivateFileVolume) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwAddFileVolume(ByVal fv As TWildcatServerPrivateFileVolume, ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwUpdateFileVolume(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal fv As TWildcatServerPrivateFileVolume) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwRemoveFileVolume(ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Door Setup '//! Door setup functions '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwGetDoorNames(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer) As Object End Function Public Function MwGetDoors(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal di As TDoorInfo) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwAddDoor(ByVal di As TDoorInfo, ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwUpdateDoor(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal di As TDoorInfo) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwRemoveDoor(ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Language Prompt Files Setup '//! Language Setup functions '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwGetLanguages(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal li As TLanguageInfo) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwAddLanguage(ByVal li As TLanguageInfo, ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwUpdateLanguage(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal li As TLanguageInfo) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwRemoveLanguage(ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Modem Profiles Setup '//! Modem Profiles setup functions '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwGetModemCount() As Integer End Function Public Function MwGetShortModemProfiles(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal mp As TShortModemProfile) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwGetModemProfile(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal mp As TModemProfile) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwAddModemProfile(ByVal mp As TModemProfile, ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwUpdateModemProfile(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal mp As TModemProfile) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwRemoveModemProfile(ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Node Configuration functions. '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwGetNodeConfigCount() As Integer End Function Public Function MwGetNodeConfigs(ByVal node As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal nc As TNodeConfig) As Boolean End Function Public Function MwUpdateNodeConfig(ByVal node As Integer, ByVal nc As TNodeConfig) As Boolean End Function '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- '//! Group: Miscellaneous '//! Check for the existence of server path with '//! optional create option '//!---------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function MwCheckPath(ByVal path As String, ByVal create As Integer) As Boolean End Function #End Region End Module